Case study: external shade design for a skylight
In Dec 2021, I paid a visit to Debbie and Steve, who were seeking some eco effective advice for a major renovation they had planned for their house in the southern suburbs of Perth.
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In Dec 2021, I paid a visit to Debbie and Steve, who were seeking some eco effective advice for a major renovation they had planned for their house in the southern suburbs of Perth.
This checklist has been produced to assist building and construction industry professionals to determine if satisfactory information and evidence has been provided to demonstrate that a Class 1 and/or 10a building satisfies the energy efficiency performance provisions of the National Construction Code 2019 edition Volume 2.
There are two pathways for demonstrating a residential building meets the energy efficiency requirements of the National Construction Code: Performance Solutions and Deemed to Satisfy. Many of you will already be familiar with the Deemed to Satisfy provisions for energy efficiency. It consists of a prescriptive “how to” list of acceptable construction practices that have to
This is actually a loaded question – the answer is yes, it does affect the energy efficiency of your house, with respect to the energy required to heat and cool it. But not how you might think; it’s not as simple as light coloured roofs are better. This blog post
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