6 principles for a more thermally efficient home
This short PDF outlines six fundamental design considerations that will help make your new home or renovation more thermally comfortable and eco-effective.
Eco-effective Design Consultation (email)
Send me your floor plans and I will provide detailed email feedback on how you can improve the eco-effectiveness of your design!
NCC Energy Efficiency Compliance Checklist
This checklist has been produced to assist building and construction industry professionals to determine if satisfactory information and evidence has been provided.
Part 4: Under the Hood of NatHERS
This is Part 4 of a four-part educational
series featuring the Undercover
Architect Amelia Lee and eco-effective
architect Sid Thoo on how NatHERS The
presentation is broken into four parts
with over five hours of valuable content,
insights and information
Part 3: Under the Hood on NatHERS
This is Part 3 of a four-part educational series featuring the Undercover Architect Amelia Lee and eco-effective architect Sid Thoo on how NatHERS can be used as a design tool to optimise the thermal performance of your next build. In this 80 minute seminar, Sid and…
Part 2: Under the Hood of NatHERS
This is Part 2 of a four-part educational series featuring the Undercover Architect Amelia Lee and eco-effective architect Sid Thoo on how NatHERS can be used as a design tool to optimise the thermal performance of your next build.