This is Part 2 of a four-part educational series featuring the Undercover Architect Amelia Lee and eco-effective architect Sid Thoo on how NatHERS can be used as a design tool to optimise the thermal performance of your next build.
In this 90 minute seminar, Sid and Amelia look at how NatHERS rating tools can be used to improve the design of a new build using a real world example. Topics covered include:
- How the performance of a new home is affected by climate and orientation
- Eco-effective design strategies such as incorporating thermal mass, insulation and optimising the building footprint
- How a high star rating can be achieved without blowing the budget
You’ll get lifetime access to the seminar video and download, which also includes detailed slides with images, notes and checklists. The content of this seminar represents over $150 of value compared to a one-on-one design consultation.
For even better value, you can purchase this seminar as part of a bundle and save almost 50%!
Note: You can also get free access to this content if you are member of the Undercover Architect’s The Home Method online course with Amelia Lee. If you’re looking for a comprehensive course on building or renovating and how to avoid common construction pitfalls, Amelia’s course is for you!