In this four-part seminar series hosted by the Undercover Architect Amelia Lee, eco-effective architect Sid Thoo provides an overview of NatHERS and how it can be used as a design tool to optimise the thermal performance of your next build.
Sid will show you how small tweaks to a design can make a big difference to thermal comfort, which can help to make your home cooler in summer and warmer in winter. In addition to a more comfortable home, you’ll also save money on your energy bills and potentially reduce your construction costs without compromising the performance and beauty of your new home.
The presentation is broken into four parts with over five hours of valuable content, insights and information:
- Part 1: Introduction to NatHERS
- Part 2: NatHERS for new builds
- Part 3: NatHERS for renovations
- Part 4: How to get the best design outcomes using NatHERS
You’ll get lifetime access to all seminar videos and content which also includes detailed slides with images, notes and checklists. The content of this course represents over $1,000 of value and is available for a fraction of the cost.
As an added bonus, you’ll also receive an exclusive discount code to book a one-on-one eco-effective design consultation with Sid to review the plans for your new build or renovation.
Note: You can also get free access to this content if you are member of the Undercover Architect’s The Home Method online course with Amelia Lee. If you’re looking for a comprehensive course on building or renovating and how to avoid common construction pitfalls, Amelia’s course is for you!